Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Carefree Times On The Road To Our Extinction

We increased our numbers far beyond the carrying capacity of our native planet
We fouled the water and poisoned the air that, after all, only sustained our very lives
Our once rich soil has been blown away or contaminated due to our inept corporate farming methods
We poached the charismatic mega-fauna to extinction even as we destroyed their habitat

We have gouged the earth to burn the coal that sullies the lovely atmosphere…and our kid’s brains
We swarm upon each other in endless fool wars with our dear mother earth as but collateral damage
We cut the shading trees for firewood or for quick profits building things not meant to last
We dump our toxic wastes into the rivers that we have channelized and dammed. Yet still drink from

Our great cities appear as nasty pockmarks from the tiny vantage points we built out in space
We decimated the great whales and spiked the seals milk with exotic chemicals
Our miracle plastic litter drifts throughout the vast ocean basins and no one is responsible
We’ll melt the polar icecaps and turn the mountain glaciers into dry and naked rock

We have carelessly torched our vast reserves of petroleum and natural gas and released their CO2
Most of us live in ignorance and poverty in spite of our noble free economies
The poorest among us bring forth the greatest number of new offspring into our overpopulated world
We perpetually delude ourselves with petty gods, sex, work, drugs, kids, food and patriotism

The once-beneficent rain is now filled with poisonous acid thanks to our virtuous industrial efforts
Deserts encroach more each year given our ravenous goats, constant firewood need & CO2 emissions
We look forward to our lord’s infinite paradise after lives spent blindly pursuing individual happiness
The unsustainability of our societies shall not be altered should it perturbs our daily lives...at all

We make loud noise in everything we do, never even aware of how very still we really should remain
We slaughter each other over petty disagreements between our stale yet vapid religious fantasies
Our emissions silently destroy that portion of the atmosphere protecting us from deadly cosmic rays
We haphazardly introduce exotic species that wreak havoc upon finely-balanced native ecosystems

In our prideful ignorance our fictional god anoints only us, of all species, with a so-called eternal soul
We prefer catchphrases and demagogues to personal responsibility and inherited wisdom
We waste trillions on a military whose sole purpose is to kill people and destroy infrastructure
Our road to extinction is built upon ignorance, greed, hubris, intolerance and shortsightedness

We breed our meat animals to be weak and stupid and we exterminate all their wild predators
We unwittingly select for the strongest microbes with our anti-bacterial cleansers
We find fake news sound bites more effective vote-getters than reason and understanding
We fill endless toxically-leaching dumps with tons and tons of re-usable and like-new castoffs

Our batteries, paints and lawn sprays wind up right back in our own drinking water
We scatter lead and mercury which dulls the potentials of our own precious children
Our economic system is purposely blind to the fact that it totally depends on the global ecosystem
Though we tramp blindly down the road to extinction, we thank god above it’s not the road to hell

Monday, August 30, 2010

Terror In The Homeland

They was a terrorist attack over to the Laundromat
He tried ta blow hisself up down by the magazine rack

They had this Al-Queda cell that met most every night
They all got together after work at that Indian motel

They think they seen one drivin by from inside the tavern
Him and his friend drinkin cokes and high fivin

They was sneakin round down behind the old feedlot
The boys beat em up and run em out of town

It looked like maybe an IED stuffed in the sody cooler
They woulda dialed the cell when the place was full enough

Coupla fishy women with towels on their heads
When they come sneakin by my dogs started howlin

They was a suicide bomber come in to the truck stop
Used to work at Subway but couldn’t take it any longer

Looks like they was plottin on blowin up the bowlin’ alley
Sheriff said they smelled kinda garlicky and rotten

Some jihadi rigged explosives underneatha Eddie’s Chevy
FBI said that luckily his oil leak proved too corrosive

They was crouchin on them little rugs in the middle of the day
When we all come back to get em they had up and run away

This martyr was strapped for glory in the WalMart parking lot
His shit went off too early and his old Toyota got real gory

Some Taliban insurgents got in a firefight with these Harleys
They kept trying to put them Burkahs over top of their headlights

They was runnin this house refinancin’ scheme to buy them WMDs
Them mullahs had maps and detailed plans to blow up shit they’d never seen

He come in the drive thru and said somethin like ‘allah akbar’ in the mike
She called the cops when he wouldn’t leave but didn’t order nothin

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Blown off the peak, spun around and floating down the leeward side
Formed into lacy drifts with so many others like me that I will never know

Assuming crystalline forms in that weightless moment
Smoothed into curved shapes by the gusty winds that followed

Sublimely whirling in the vortex behind that giant ocean swell
Falling back fully aerated with life’s sustaining oxygen

A surface mist that waxes prismatically from the slanting rays of the sun
I am falling snow or roiling sea at different times

Spindrift whirling in the vacuum of the power of the wind
And those dancing with me all rotate at slightly different angles

The heartbeat of the storm is mirrored by our dizzying procession
We are cast into phantasmal castles and drift across every pathway

At times we appear to panic like a school of frightened fireflies
With a pause in the wind we fall in separate patterns, independently

This quiet beauty a chaotic byproduct of the sublime organization of the storm
And my appreciation but a simple outcome of my accidental self-perception

Taking An Ignorant Dominion Over The Earth

Quote any out-of-context scrap of your wornout religious fairytale that can grease your own agenda
Plunder this earth in the truly wacko belief it was created for your ignorant and selfish whims alone
Righteously waltz away from your messes with profit in your pocket and hand on the good book
Rest easy in the certain knowledge of your divine right to an eternal and shameless greed

Take dominion over the beasts and despoil all the places in which they might take their shelter
Hunt them down, burn them out, or even, vow to protect those few your children deem attractive
Treat plants and animals just the same: For personal & disposable use in any way you see fit
After all, they lack the everlasting souls with which your one true god has favored you, alone

Foul the air with impunity seeking extractive revenue or gas-powered wreckreation
Cut and burn the forests for corporate gain under his command to go forth and multiply
Concoct and release any manner of poisonous chemicals - if you think you can make a quick profit
Empty even the vast seas of all their life to satisfy the insatiable demands of the blessed free market

Sanctimoniously treat your brown-eyed cattle as mere non-living, statistical units of production
Modify their genetics at your whim, deny them the calming shelter of their herds,
Raise them in crowded filth, kill them without any dignity and just as cheaply as is possible
Rend and cleanly package them in bloody factories and then bulk ship them as consumer goods

Remain smug in the knowledge that you alone are cast in your one god’s image
Channel the rivers, strip their banks bare and introduce all manner of your toxic runoffs
Casually block out the divine skies with your smoke and His stars with your paranoid nightlights
Consume non-renewable resources at unsustainable rates behind casual, knowing smirks

Take accidental dominion over the atmosphere, obliviously unbalancing its exquisite constituents
Unconsciously but innocently infect and pock the earth that He bequeathed only to you
Derive moral authority from scripture and trust the outcome to the blind hand of free enterprise
Try vainly to place yourselves divinely outside of the earth’s cycles and its cosmic web of life

Put people and jobs above the natural world and its cycles without which they cannot even exist
Righteously commend the territories of the heathen enemy and his false god to ashes and to ruin
Matter-of-factly demand adequate income from any lands socialistically held in the national trust
Praise those who gash and extract for us and allow them to move on without healing the land

Swarm into any marginal habitat you stumble on and guiltlessly tip its balance towards entropy
Measure the health of your society simply by its consumer spending and unemployment rate
Always make sure to put people first in a ceaseless, artificial struggle to overcome nature
Be sure and erect sturdy fences to cut off access beyond your leveraged holdings

Blindly trust to the wisdom of billions of isolated, greedy decisions to result in a sustainable future
Blithely waste and pollute irreplaceable clean water on a daily basis without the slightest regret
Pray for relief from the drought and heat while steadfastly denying that our efforts produced them
Take it on faith that air, water and an equable climate are inexhaustible free goods, provided by god

Let the animals and the habitat which supports them and us all exist simply at your pleasure
Ignore the finite nature of all the resources squandered in raising your precious children
Permanently alter ancient rain forests with a single-minded focus on the profit for this fiscal period
Rest secure in the perfection of heaven, independent of any god-willed mess on this earth

Take dominion over the forests and plant millions of cloned trees, equally spaced and fenced-in
Artificially color the modified fish that you unsustainably farm while poisoning the ocean
Thank god for his blessings then stuff down too much and just throw away the rest
Draw freely from earth’s finite resources provided for you alone in his infinite wisdom

Trust that he will look after tomorrow thus allowing you to blindly consume and despoil today
Sleep well believing that you follow the only true and righteous path to eternal salvation
Trample the silent lilies of the field in a smoky and noisy quest for your vital wreckreational pleasure
Celebrate our fruitfulness under his edict even as we render our very nest unfit for life

Take up arms for god and lay waste to the enemy lands in His name and for His glory
Twist and eviscerate your god’s teachings such that you evade responsibility for the earth that nurtures you
Teach that preserving this lonely planet is criminally negligent in terms of family costs in jobs and money
Dwell on important moral concerns like abortion, gay marriage and flag-burning while ignoring the vast ecological holocaust of our foolish lifestyles

Mindlessly shovel resources into that blind and gaping maw of global corporatism
Trust that things will turn out all right according to His mysterious and omniscient plan
Call the heat and drought and new deserts the unfathomable will of your omnipotent god
Respond grudgingly with tiny band-aids as entire ecosystems collapse but unquestioningly increase already unconscionably huge military outlays
Try and save the species of your choice, if you will, though they have nowhere to live or anything to eat

Marvel at the wonder of His creation over the roaring of the bulldozers in the background
Displace the plant and animal communities with filthy, teeming, unplanned slums
Rip up fertile sustaining farmland for shoddy strip malls selling throwaway plastic schlock
Destroy ecosystem linchpins but still, find your solace in prayer as the mystery of His ways unfolds

Twist a fossilized religion and out-of-context economic theory into a rationalization for unencumbered, shortsighted & suicidal greed
Give thanks for all of our blessings and righteously ignore their toxic origins and externalized costs
View all of his creations through the unique lens of our own divine entitlement
Take dominion, secure in the knowledge that His will be done, in the fullness of eternity

Just Seconds To Go, But I Never Knew

My time becomes more precious the more I realize just how very little remains to me
After so much wasted racing towards unspecified and forgotten goals, I must pause to look about
At last I can refuse foolish siren calls to empty work and mindless entertainment
More precious still these moments as things grow ever more serious at every important juncture

I am forced to look behind the curtains and beyond the well-dressed entertainers
I have to forget about the next sports season and peer into that empty but everlasting void
Though others stand beside me, we all know I follow this course quite alone
There awaits an event that will never end for me and so very little time remains

I look up to distant galaxies or my gaze falls upon an ancient fossil, and I am already gone
I close my eyes, hold my breath, stop my thoughts and I am filled with all that I will ever know
Memories buzz around like pesky flies but they, too, will disappear right along with me
Dreams come to me in waking hours and I stare blankly into the dark of night

I realize now how the effects of any action quickly fade into that cosmic background noise
But I have not spent 1% of my infinitesimal time slot on what might really matter
With only seconds to go, I am way behind and have no way to stop the clock
At least the incessant, foolish prattling of our daily lives can finally be ignored

For now all I see in their ads and entertainment is just a hiding from the truth
All the short-lived satisfactions of the fads simply mask the onrush of that vast unknowable
Our small victories in our petty squabbles reflect but our mere nervousness as we stand in line
My mind fails in attempts to imagine the unavoidable eternal dark unconscious

So soon our species short interlude on earth won’t be discernible from my own lifespan
Just seconds to go as my finite heartbeats toll in a cold and mindless countdown
And in a much, much shorter time this briefest chirp will cease again, once and for all
My dead senses will no longer feed my lifeless brain the data it has always craved

From this perspective our routines dissolve into wanton, pointless fools play
Yet in the irresistible current, near the vast dark abyss, I grasp futilely for simple normalcy
So quickly there will be no one to read such words as these, which exist no longer

Thursday, August 26, 2010

One Step Forward, Two Steps Towards Extinction

We’re finally making some  real advances against that awful malarial plague in africa
We are losing 50 species per day to this man-made mass extinction of ours

Infant mortality is being reduced even in the very poorest areas
50 million acres of rain forest are destroyed each and every year

china and India are bootstrapping their way out of abject poverty
80000 porpoises and 200000 albatross are killed each year as useless bycatch

the air in the LA basin is dramatically cleaner than in the 70s
china is home to 16 of the worlds 20 most polluted urban areas

smallpox and polio have been virtually eliminated worldwide
the average annual temperature in Alaska is increasing 1˚ per decade

food costs have decreased relative to income for years in the USA
the world's grasslands are overgrazed by mans animals by a factor of nearly 2

experts predict human population will stabilize at around 9 billion inside of 50 years
researchers say the earth could sustain 1-2 billion developed world inhabitants

great progress has been made in bilingual education in our schools
35% of latinos drop out of high school even as newly-arrived illegales take away their bad jobs

consumers are now much more aware of the health benefits of eating seafood
global tuna populations have declined by over 70% and are now not naturally sustainable

we are now sure of the vital role that marshes play as fish nurseries and in water purification
the US alone destroyed 117000 acres of wetlands every single year from 1985 to 1995

the early plastics industry had to convince people to throw away their cups
nowadays every year 380 billion plastic bags are discarded just in the USA

In 25 years, people worldwide living on less than a dollar a day fell by half a billion
Today, some 1.1 billion people must live on less than one US dollar for an entire day

2002 U.S. health spending was almost 2.5 times that of the median OECD country
20% of US citizens have no health insurance and their numbers increase every day

Military spending only amounts to about 2.5% of world GDP
US military outlays represent 48% of the whole world’s total

America proudly spends almost $9000 per year per student on education
So-called 3rd world Costa Rica has a higher literacy rate than the undeveloping United States

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fractal Messenger

Filling the great galactic clusters with stars accounted for, but uncounted
Leaving copious evidence of this same message at the subatomic level
Unknowable and forever far outside any organic experiences

Saying more than we can ever grasp in the gurgling of each tiny creek
Incredibly obvious everywhere we look yet nowhere to be seen
Not alive as in our poor understanding nor dead as we can only witness

Talking to us without a voice in channels outside our senses
Caching the entire mystery complete in uncountable, infinitesimal clues
Bearing not the slightest resemblance to the deities of our childish fairytale afterlives

Hidden from us by our subconscious projections of ourselves upon it
Comporting in timescales and distances far beyond our imaginations
Wholly too ignorant to take part in scholarly debate with clever theologians

Filtering every bit of information through each raindrop in every rainbow
Revealing all its secrets in the moss that grows on the striations of a boulder
Utterly mute in terms of commandments, calls to belief and tests of faith

Dripping all wisdom from every icicle hanging in the late winter sunlight
Blasting forth all knowledge in each burst of radiation from every neutron star
Reciting not a single line of internal dialogs along with our personal saviors

Encrypting the entire message in each of an infinity of absolutely random packets
Perfectly reflected in my limitless ignorance and our greatest discoveries
Neither far away nor inside us, not with us, but never leaving us alone

Expressing everything we know in the change marked by our final breath
Showing its entirety in each brief twinkling of the firmament above
Invisible but for the endless forms of its shadows, echoes and reflections

Inscribing the full message in patterns on the birds, the reptiles and the fish
Completely occupying all the borders of each one of our zen-like contradictions
As indifferent to new life as to the struggles which lead inevitably to death

Playing the same countless variations with raindrops as falling leaves
Dancing briefly in morning sunlight, peeping out from under dark clouds
Simply as likely to grant an unearned forgiveness as to punish unfairly

Deeply underpinning our endless and hopeless but inescapable struggles
Forming foreground and background, past, present and future
Blind witness without memory, testifying only in insoluble riddles
Radiating uncountable variations of perfection on this infinitesimally small world
As dense in empty space as in those songs that fill our entire hearts
Outlining a paradox whose purpose we can never approach deciphering

Neither concerned with cause nor aware of outcomes
Transforming hellish nuclear fission into warm winter sunlight
Source of no dogma but reflected in the maths we see underlying the cosmos

Bombarding from every direction with signals which travel unnoticed through us
Discerning each tiny peep in the vast white noise which fades back into entropy
Reabsorbing each droplet of consciousness without a conscious thought

Creating the music with the silence between the notes
Emitting fractal miracles regardless of magnification, size or distance
Incapable of any jealousy and unable to demand a fraction of our tiny faith

Possessed of no knowledge but without any questions
Filling the time and space outside of our universe
Making not a single promise to either sinner or sufferer

Backdrop to the background radiation of the Big Bang
Forever ungraspable but simultaneously inescapable
Undisturbed by the faint noise with which we try to hide it

Offering no consolation, bereft of mercy and unable to forgive
Totally accepting, endlessly patient and tolerant without comprehension
Filling everywhere to capacity with a mindless, insensate wisdom

Always within us but never really with us
Dancing with the shadows of the flickering firelight on the cave wall
Caring as much for our lives as shiny drops of dew on one tiny blade of grass

Grinning behind quantum dice as the clockwork universe unfolds
Unaware of our contemplations as part of itself
Holding men as responsible for their actions as it does the flowing rivers

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Abandon Unsustainable Programmed Hyper-Consumption

Junk all your oversized, poorly-built, gas guzzlers you silly hypnotized children
Realize that others are not sleeping as you relax in a comatose and ignorant arrogance

Convert your laughable McMansions into comfortable multi-family residences
Quit replacing productive farms and fields with sterile rows of throwaway dream homes

Build it to last and not to just make a quick buck and strut away with a cynical smirk
Ask how others are building spaceships, capping CO2 and recycling - without whining

Wander out of this cultural desert and think, just once, what you leave for the future
Go visit the castles and churches they have preserved from a thousand years ago

Quit tossing away all this hyper-packaging and compost the 25% of food you waste
Find out how they tunneled subways beneath their ancient cities but we simply won’t afford it

Scream bloody murder about the sinful waste of ever-increasing military spending
Don’t let them shovel so-called clean coal down your lungs as a green alternative energy source

Only flush your toilet with just enough water to get the job cleanly done
Bury the fast food corporate giants underneath a vast and empty indifference

Learn what real bread is and shut down the meat animal death camps
Simply slash the fat, cut the sugar, remove the salt and reduce the calories

Quit eating just because you are artificially nervous and overwrought
Forget silly gas-powered wreckreation and engage your body in real outdoor activity

Silence all the artificially noisy airplanes, trucks, motorcycles and automobiles
Just don’t let them charge any more useless shit that they cannot even afford

Get their god out of your pocketbook by taxing these sham corporate salvation franchises
Put the environment and our future ahead of this quarter’s stock price

Learn to speak and read at least your native language - and then we can talk
Out the corporate subsidy hoax of corn-based bio-fuel before it costs even more

Quit justifying eco-rape and unsustainability by falsely pitting them against people and jobs
Challenge the ridiculous notion that healthcare is, or even should be, left to the free market

Don’t let big coal and oil stifle the alternative energy boom that’s sweeping the world
Dump the black or white, just say no, do-nothing two-party system and embrace working coalitions

Cook good food at home and make them clean their plates and do the damn dishes
Wake up and think for yourself before they come to carry you off the couch on your back

Building a better tomorrow via our ordained pursuit of individual happiness

Fighting environmental legislation that may restrict freedom and could drive up costs
Building flimsy firetrap strip malls along every new stretch of overpriced highway
Investing in security to the tune of ½ a trillion dollars per year with built-in increases
Draining unproductive wetlands and not missing the clean water, birds and fish a bit

Fighting for your right to a 5 ton behemoth to drive 50 miles every day to your shit job
Cutting costs to consumers by shifting expensive development, production and pollution overseas
Collecting rich memories staring waxy-eyed at your home entertainment center from the couch
Sharing quality family meal time with artificial fast food or at some corporate franchise restaurant

Going it alone, thinking we’re in the lead, while everyone else actually heads the other way
Allowing all forms of excessive noise as if it were some kind of a god-given constitutional right
Letting teenaged children of unwed grandmothers have even more kids be born on welfare
Encouraging all forms of vapid credit consumption all for the sake of our blessed GDP

Eliminating guilt through absolute trust in decisions made all alone with our personal savior
Vilifying the opposition and reducing all issues to incontrovertible black and white soundbites
Building a better tomorrow planning ahead nearly one whole business quarter at a time
Meeting shareholder stock price responsibilities via layoffs, benefit cuts, mergers and outsourcing

Advancing global society via our negative saving rate lifestyles and their 14 hour work days
Rolling out a glossy advertising campaign instead of developing new and better products
Subsidizing corporate agriculture while forcing bogus free trade deals upon smaller economies
Finishing off the remaining old growth which eliminates both logging and tourist jobs - at once

Creating artificial confusion over climate change in a shared corporate-governmental strategy
Raising prices on disappearing fish to encourage supply so that every last one will be caught
Tainting food with un-inspected foreign ingredients and then proudly selling it as Packaged in USA
Simply ignoring the steady decay of our roads, bridges, water systems, electrical grid and internet

Outlaying far more for prison warehousing than fostering childhood development
Spending social security as collected instead of investing it for later recipients
Researching erectile dysfunction and botox instead of superbugs, malaria and pandemic flu
Bravely rebuilding in the middle of flood zones in gross denial of costs and common sense

Erecting a giant fence by Mexico while Europe adopts a single currency and border
Increasing our foreign technological dependence just as our domestic ignorance proudly swells
Touting a free market based health care system that both overprices and under-serves
Institutionalizing a two-party system grown shamefully paralyzed by divisive partisanship

Fostering a devotion to corporate sport devoid of anything but a greed-filled profit motive
Passing 10000 page omnibus spending bills where everyone gets a piece of pork
Dumbing down their tests, inflating their grades and calling them tomorrow’s world leaders
Excusing vast social and environmental destruction by cynically mouthing ‘You cant stop progress’

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wornout Religious Props

the lord of the universe does not bid us fight for his dominance on this tiny planet
he does not ask us to prove our faith and worthiness via killing and destruction
god does not trumpet calls for ever-increasing spending on the weapons of death
he certainly does not demand significant troop buildups in far off foreign lands

your empty threats to deny your corny paradise to straying followers is a comic but criminal sham
impressing the poor, helpless and ignorant with expensive monuments is simply immoral
surely he would never reserve a place in paradise for the conned & ignorant suicide bomber
it is most certainly a criminal contradiction to kill in the name of any loving savior

he does not smile upon pilots murdering from far away via multimedia video game interfaces
there is no way that a politician’s prayer is answered with a divine counsel to war
a true god does not bid us hold women as second class, ignorant, barefoot and pregnant
no omnipotent lord would ever need our puny defense against men’s laughable blasphemies

no prince of heaven would need demand armies be raised to prove our fealty
an omniscient god measures our devotion other than by the love he should easily see in our hearts
he need not worry us over the destruction of any temples if his word is true
his message of mercy and love would certainly be all the weapons we should ever need

surely our lives are hard enough that he does not require bloody crusades from us
our merciful father would not set any of his children against each other
this god of love would need no tests of faith during which we must kill and perish
your calls to fight for god are prima facie evidence of the falseness of your beliefs

any god of mine could not take satisfaction in your smiting his enemies on our little world
an unholy, greedy alliance of priests and politicians directs your cult of divine personality
only your venal, childlike gods call on followers to bring death to non-believers
only gods that you invent demand the sacrifice of war as a test of our faith

you look forward to global poverty and ignorant faith to re-invigorate your powers
your current fictions worked best during the dark ages, not the age of reason
you pervert the very human need to faith to your own ends and for this you are condemned
your dusty books, ornate costumes and faded memorabilia are merely wornout props

the masks are off and its only you scared little men trying to grab earthly power
from elected holy pope to scowling ignorant mullah may your foolishness disappear
a scabby pox on your righteously pious calls to defend your fictional saviors
after 2500 years let us, at last, respin our beliefs, for these old myths are clearly outdated

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Not Even Lost

Not just visiting, or even simply passing through while heading somewhere else
Without a feeling for a destination, no real inclination towards an actual direction
Shimmering stars light the sky but there are no signs where there is no road
Coming out of nowhere not expecting to get somewhere, or even ever to return

Not even lost, without a start or finish, but unsure where I’ve been, or my heading
Could not tell if I, indeed, traced a circle, no way to remember if we were here before
No one waits with a light on for me and everyone is traveling in different directions
Bumping into you after you bumped into her, that guy seems headed where I came from

Though our sun comes up every day now, that’s just for a very short part of forever
It might be confusing and I would be dizzy except - It’s just always been this way
Often I think I am briefly tangent to some illusion just as I accelerate back within it
We all move together but separate towards all directions, faster than we can see

Not even lost, falling like raindrops at tiny points in vast cycles we cannot be aware of
Pretty sure that I can see where I am going and it’s mattering less and less where I came from
Simply because I feel lost, I mistakenly think I went from somewhere to something
But being lost was not as frightening as realizing I can never know where I am going

Racing towards goals which materialize suddenly but vanish quickly into darkness
Tracing the stumbling, mad arcs of a dizzy whirling dervish in this unending blur
Holding at an unmanageable velocity towards unspecifiable objectives
Not even wrong, for our answers were not for the very real but always unasked questions

Not even lost, for that implies a way to a somewhere we can never know exists
Nonetheless pressing onward within this collective imaginary frame of reference
Staring out into the darkness through windows that only reflect the bright lights inside
Screaming passionately into that deep space vacuum that does not carry sound at all

Each and every one of us at the exact center of a cosmos that retreats in all directions
The scale of my experience too small to be plotted on a map of space and time
Unable to ever even get lost, except in our own surrealistic fantasies
A vast silent, deep nightfall races towards me from every direction that I turn

My senses are gone, my memories evaporated and no new thoughts can stir me
Then I awake to the morning sun and note briefly that this might have all been a dream
But then, the simple fact that I cannot even be lost thrusts itself close upon me, once again

Saturday, August 21, 2010

For God’s Sake: More Arms, Please!

More arms, please! For our precious children are surrounded by invisible, godless enemies
We can afford it if we cut those squishy social programs that we are assured failed so long ago
We only spend more every year than the ext 10 countries combined so Marines let’s go!
Just another half a trillion and those few rag-tag dead-enders will certainly surrender

Our loyal and patriotic contractors will spend this money properly without any wasteful oversight
So, instead of becoming energy independent, let’s simply go to war for the oil companies
Let education, health, infrastructure and the environment just tread water a little longer
Give us more troops on the ground from the growing pool of our underemployed youth

The military is our answer and only soft, unpatriotic vermin dare whine any feeble objections
Give us this day our daily rockets, video drones and some ear-splitting mortar rounds
Make us tough and focused like Army Rangers, fed solely upon your carefully-crafted propaganda
Not to worry, your updated strategy is only opposed by a handful of cowardly cut-and-runners

Yes, more military spending will see us once again into Reagan’s New Morning In America
Let us spend extra to build more to destroy and kill and preach to them of their clear choices
God bless America with carriers, fighter jets, tanks, smart bombs and night vision goggles
More arms, please! For war is such a powerful stimulus to our noble economy

We’re doing the Right Thing but our cowardly so-called allies are not pitching in
It takes lots of money and a faith-based will to persist with the whole world against us
Go on, Mr. President for no crybaby senator would dare vote against our brave boys
So, let us appropriate and earmark our way to a trillion dollars every year for more war

We must prepare for more pre-emptive defenses and unilateral wars of liberation
We shall forgo pre-natal care, school lunches and affordable doctors, for the tools of death
Save us from the surrounding foreign terrorists and our own spineless, squishy naysayers
Preserve our traditional faith-based family values by spending more to kill other folks

More arms, please! For this will help us to sleep better back here in the heartland
We must maintain our position as the greatest arms exporter in the whole of the world
Make sure it’s easier for Africans to obtain automatic weapons than vaccinations for their kids
Hallelujah, brother, help our leaders to ask god for the courage to stoke this military machine

Cleverly frame any calls for arms spending reductions to be well outside the vale of sanity
We can hide safely behind a wall of patriotic propaganda while signing those blank checks
Know that each dollar is wisely spent by humble and self-sacrificing military contractors
Let’s invest in the machinery of death and then sit back and live upon the interest

God will welcome us to heaven given our modest but expensive efforts in delivering His wrath
Take the moral high ground by selling lots of arms - To both sides in brewing conflicts
Have the subsidized free market of war decide which ideas and leaders shall prevail
Let the defense industry place cute puppies, happy children and soft music in their ads

More weapons, soldiers and wars for, verily, therein lies the way to our happiness and salvation

Friday, August 20, 2010

People Are The Firm's Most Treasured Assets

In their expensive ads, backed by soothing music, they speak of the great value of their people
All the time, knowing full well the way out of a stock crisis is simply to slash jobs and cut benefits
According to their slick marketing, the mystic force of humanity powers their organization...
And after 15 minutes a tired voice from Bangalore finally comes on the line

Yes, all of their wondrous technology is inspired simply by their people’s desire to further our society
Those financial services like sub-prime mortgages which have so enriched our lives
The personally-oriented mass-market eSolutions tailored to your individual needs
Still, corporate entities will accept modest profits in lieu of becoming charitable organizations

Why, those fearless leaders would likely give up private jets and 10 acre compounds for their folks
Because listen, even in their over-allocated schedules, their doors remain open to their people
They’ll take a moment and reflect you to a smiling minion who can safely blow you off
And they’ll quickly drop your face on that big pile that they will never need to remember

They’ll glowingly describe your loyalty and commitment but have no idea what you do
Often when the next downsizing comes they’ll be wearing little flags on their lapels
They’ll appeal to all that’s good in you by reading a stirringly-scripted, 10 minute video
Reaping unreal bonuses and whopping stock options by trimming you from the bottom line

Clips of children and flowing music accompany poetic tributes to incalculable human resources
Meanwhile, proprietary spreadsheets show profits flowing from proposed employment cuts
Pricey consultants point the way to offshore sources who become more simply disposable numbers
Expensive lobbies trace the firm’s patriotic history, but its products are all stamped Made In China

They intone about each and every one of our personal contributions to the team
But then, regrettably, our positions have been eliminated and our services are no longer required
We stumble out with a tiny severance, old family pictures and coffee cups in boxes
Truth is, the future of our families really has no place whatsoever on their financial statements

Avuncular global oligarchies speak in pre-rehearsed and well-delivered messages
Mouthing how they treasure our contributions and factor our needs into all of their decisions
They peek down from their office suites toasting bonuses as we numbly drive away for good
Now the company is stronger going forward and the remainder of us must all pull together

Then come the remaining middle managers happy to still be mouthing the latest empty platitudes
Off to meetings to be spoon fed the newest pre-digested vision to be absorbed by all
Congenially, those remaining climb on board as good team players towards another golden era
And, for the record, those who have departed shall never be mentioned again

But finally comes the quarter when the cooked books just wont meet the numbers
Arriving on the heels of the last round of layoffs, there’s no more fat to trim
And no competitors remain with which to merge and attain greater strategic synergies
So, with great regret their vivid golden parachutes open up under dark clouds of criminal suspicion

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I piece together unrelated parts of different fallen objects which I find upon the ground
Things from far above land all around me in the total darkness in which I abide
And I cannot sense the gentle rain falling on that calm surface miles above
My experiences compress each other into a mental sedimentary record

I grope for the importance of things which I stumble upon but cannot see
I filter a rich gruel of detritus well-mixed during its long descent to me
I can never escape the constant threat of heavy objects crashing down like meteors
I make a comfortable home inside large carcasses for years at a time

Prevailing winds deposit a rich sample of their contents upon my leeward side
I am washed into an eddy I circle as my thoughts are sorted into their proper levels
Our randomly-incessant noisemaking smears my musings from all directions
I wash up on the clean wet sand with the waves of yet another incoming tide

Briefly streaking through the atmosphere, I drift with a few starry molecules
I fall to earth with the thunder’s ozone in the soft shower beneath a rainbow
We descend at different speeds each wondering at the others whizzing by
We are adrift in a graceful Brownian Motion far removed from our own control

Falling at one of a thousand angles with a million silent snowflakes
Drying out where the storm deposited me far above the peaceful water line
Found where dark flood waters left me laying quietly in an impossible position
Dried to fine dust after a short journey across unquenchable desert sands

I am pocked like the moon with repeated random impacts by unidentified objects
Turned over as I lay with alluvial soil to receive the good seed of the farmer
Sticking with the wax that drips from their faithful candles flickering in dank chapels
Listening as unknown liquids trickle down to me in the depths of our great landfills

Fluttering with falling leaves so that I can be buried by them year after peaceful year
Compressed into a single blue layer deep within the vastness of an ice sheet
Dated absolutely by position in the growth rings of an ancient bristlecone pine
Orbiting based on my density in a planet’s ring after an interstellar collision

Tumbled to odd resting places with the giant boulders left by those retreating glaciers
Spreading out in graceful whorls in the jet contrails headed to vacation destinations
Diluted in pure air after escaping, only partially combusted, with your exhaust
Settling out peacefully in quiet sewage lagoons along with your contributions

Sorting into the dust that came before me even as new dust softly entombs me
Exposed once more after millennia to be covered again for another billion years
Gracefully piling up in that small hourglass that drains but once, for all of us

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lies For Immediate Release

He said he welcomed the opportunity to refute the many baseless charges against him
She refused to answer on the grounds that she might thereby be incriminated

His firm faces suits involving his alleged sexual harassment filed by several ex-employees
Company policy prohibits discussion of the circumstances of their dismissals

He cashed out multi-million dollar options as their locked 401ks disappeared
My client welcomes the chance to clear his name but has no comment at this time

As elected officials we realize that we serve at the pleasure of the public
One spokesman did not return our calls and another declined to be interviewed

Our latest 3rd world mining concession should bring great value to our investors
The Working conditions of employees will not be on the agenda at the next stockholder’s meeting

The spokesman was bombarded with unscripted questions and unfavorable blogs
They smiled and waved as if the crowd were cheering, as they ducked away into a waiting limo

Ex-employees testified he told them in no uncertain terms they must make their numbers...or else
Sir, he said again, I do not have any recollection of that conversation, either

Those earlier stock sales were absolutely not related to the announcement of our losses
I am resigning in order to be able to spend more time with my family

His perqs included homes, clothing, vacations, the corporate jet and legal fees
Regretfully, he will be leaving us to pursue other opportunities

I did not knowingly mislead the analysts during those virtual presentations
Senator, it appears that a computer problem caused the loss of the emails in question

We ordered from our asian suppliers and that is where our responsibilities ended
We saved labor costs and their pollution issues do not appear on our financial statements

It is our policy never to comment upon ongoing investigations
We need to stop digging up the past and get on with the business of America

The firm suffers from an unfair burden of pension and healthcare benefits obligations
Their stock ticked upward on news of further layoffs and benefit reductions

He declined to take the stand in his own defense and chuckled over the tiny fine
The firm wrote off billions in bad debts and he was forced out with but a mere $130 million

It’s Only A Con Game, Corporate Sports Suckers

Your punk check ain’t gonna change one cent no matter which way the game goes
The big boys are playin you like suckers just to take your meager chump change
You’re a fool to get all worked up over muscular black men dressed up in tights
This is the pabulum they feed you to keep your mind empty and your mouth shut

But you’d watch that shit in the ICU first thing after your abused heart gave out
Your heroes waste their money and get arrested for rape and dope and assault
You know more about their phony sports statistics than your own credit card debt
That childish hero worship ain’t ever gonna get you a share of their title money

Yelling and eating and drinking by the big screen don’t enrich your future one damn bit
Win or lose you will still have to make the payments on that upside down car loan
You ain’t on the team and none of them would even give a rip about yer dumb ass
Wake up and smell the Astroturf and then go scrape that decal off your car

It’s not loyal and patriotic or an honored part of some bogus traditional family heritage
But the advertisers and sponsors play it up like it must be a big part of real life
Get the stupid theme music out of your one-track, beer-soaked brain
Stop watching and talking and dreaming and thinking about it so much all the time

You waste so many hours every week on the Big Game, you might just as well have been asleep
Then you have this foolish gnawing emptiness when its over again for another year
Maybe you can have their copyrighted logo incised on your financed headstone
Perhaps your idea of heaven is a box seat as your team wins the big one every day

And you let the clever advertisers keep on beating their sad empty shit into your empty skull
While you just sit there getting fatter and your heart and eyes and brain wear out
You will never even ask why sports is reported as much as news on every stupid channel
But its really not just a game, is it? Pathetically it is a very important part of your tiny life

You get your thrills through them, and you jump up and wave your fist and shout
You’re a loyal fan who knows all their names, even though they never win a game
With all the time, thought and emotion you have invested, you should be very rich
It's only a game...It’s not only a game, it’s your holy quest, you toadlike little weenie roaster

They’re making millions and your real income is going down even as you sit there
You just charged 5 Gs at 20% interest so you could see the game on a big screen TV
You just can’t separate the artificially flavored hype from the unvarnished, tawdry reality
The noise, color and violence touches a very basic juvenile need deep inside of you

And they play upon it to prey upon you and help you retain a retarded immaturity
Put down the sports news, get off that website and stop dissecting their performance
or just maybe you can take that sexy fantasy with you as you leave your debts behind and die

Monday, August 16, 2010

Why Do You Even Raise These Absurd Snowflake Issues?

Your questions may raise concern regarding your sanity and/or loyalty
Why do you ask if our land can really support this increasing flood of immigrants
What do you mean those politicians all sound alike as they read their sponsor’s words that our How How can you view our divinely ordained progress as a tragic charade which cannot be maintained
Why do you see your neighbors as tragicomic fossils riding out upon their dinosaurs

Now why in the world would you even question the identical nature of your good breakfast eggs
Why do you find it necessary to ask about all those young men being educated in prison
Just where did you hear about questioning our further increases in defense spending
How is it your concern that cloned franchise outlets of all types appear everywhere

Would you expand on your issues regarding a certain surveillance program we do not acknowledge
Exactly what is your concern regarding our nation’s petroleum industry-developed energy policy
Why do you ask about the sugary caffeine all our young children continuously guzzle
Why are you second-guessing the board’s latest new strategic vision going forward

Is there any legitimate reason you need information beyond that in our official press releases
Why would you say there is no taste to these bright red tomatoes that now ship so well
Why do you ask about development plans for some grandparent’s property sold due to higher taxes
How did you become so concerned that your commuting costs are funding terrorists

Why would you even ask how global economies of scale are actually vital to your own well being
How can you question the value of greed and selfishness in the pursuit of individual happiness
Who commands you to continue harassing us over classified issues concerning our national security
Why would you associate the smell of a feed lot with mass scale human suffering and death

Just where is this so-called right to privacy granted among our hallowed freedoms
Why do you ask us to measure the rate of return on our fabulous executive’s salaries and bonuses
Where is your issue with our cutting funding required to enforce those laws contrary to our beliefs
What is the source of your out-of-touch concern that every slice of white bread is the same

Why can’t you stop questioning our need for your uninformed but quiet patience
From what fake news outlet did you obtain this skepticism regarding the competence of your leaders
Why do you think a time will come when alternative energy will occupy us as much as the Middle East
Who told you that the noise of our industrious society is not good for your health

Why will you not participate in a dialog where we frame the debate as well as the outcome
Tell us why you find it necessary to continue to clamor for their official resignations
How dare you question the proven truth of continual compounded economic growth
Why would you even wonder if corporate-sponsored politicians serve your best interests

Why do you ask that they follow any other beacon than their own studious and selfish greed
When did you first start to believe that our policy of exceptionism is a fantasy-based fairytale
How is it you cannot see the greater return from another new strip mall over a quiet meadow
Why would you even question the use of all this private data we must gather

Is there something else you would like to discuss after this last unnecessary outburst
Why do you even ask if abortion, flag burning and gay marriage are really important
Where did you first hear that everyone lives in a financial house of credit cards
How can you say we need to stop this fictional climate change to slow a purported mass extinction

Why do you think that loud pickups and Harleys violate your so-called, tofu-based ‘Wa
Is it just you or does it seem really hot around here, all the time
Why would you dare even ask about revisiting decisions made in talks with my savior
Can you please describe for us the feelings that always put you into such a hurry

How can you scoff at their good efforts to green their hollow McMansions
Who convinced you our Traditional Family Values are newly-created and not made to last
Why do you claim that we daily de-construct our grandchildren’s futures
What causes you to think our waste disposal poses a threat to a healthy lifestyle

Why do you find it harmful and hypocritical to tax tobacco, liquor and gambling
Where did you get that quaint but false notion that healthcare does not belong in the free market
Why do you question our fire sale as we exit the business of species preservation
Why do you ask if our pursuit of happiness really has not even subjective benefits

Why do you claim that our plant and animal husbandry is no different than factory production
How can you imagine questioning that which we summarily reject with our dismissive smirks
How dare you say all our actions are merest posturing in front of the political pollsters
Who told you that human populations are unnaturally high and bound to crash

What does sustainability bring to the pursuit of our own enlightened self-interest
Why do you foolishly ask if ethanol and coal are viable as clean energy alternatives
How can you deny the one true god who has so obviously blessed all of us so far
Why do you want us all to cram into unsafe featureless shoeboxes to drive to work

Where did you get the notion that we should clean up our own back yards first
Who is spreading the idea that we are paralyzed in a polarized political stalemate
Why do you ask that we scrutinize military spending as closely as we do social programs
How can you conclude that things really are not getting better all the time

What leads you to believe we are responsible for this purported mass extinction
Who told you we unfairly gerrymandered voting districts to ensure our perpetual re-election
How did you conclude that free enterprise has strip-mined the ocean of all its life
Why do you question our myriad blessings when so many suffer in abject poverty