Sunday, August 8, 2010

Clues That We May Have Displeased Him

Teachers burnt out by armed fatherless gangsters and cursing infant whores
Laid off engineers numbly transitioning out the door with a few shabby boxes of books
Working class fathers brewing Meth and waiting for their promised good new jobs of tomorrow
The terminally ill finding religious solace in the fantasies of their pain meds
Mothers placing folded flags on clean beds of the sons who are never coming home
Malnourished babies sucking emptily at their refugee mother’s emaciated breasts
Salesmen with many tired-out stories whose services are no longer required…anywhere
Convicts who return with a certain sense of relief to their secure families behind bars
Self-medicating counselors helping substance abusers find decent ways to cope
Once-proud farmers forced to work for miserable hourly wages on corporate pig farms
Frightened young peasants toiling 14 hours every day for $3 and sleeping 20 to a room
Aging middle managers pitifully eager to please even after their recent downsizing
CEOs excited to clear their names of baseless charges yet, speaking only through their lawyers
Exemplary black men with extreme rates of hypertension and prostate cancer
Politicians standing firm on unilateral decisions privately made consulting with personal saviors
Rabbis, coaches and fathers swarming about in teen internet chat rooms
Devoted doctors performing hurried cosmetic surgery on old women in order to make golf tee times
Our children running amok on caffeine and sugar, but…they’re just expressing themselves
Loan swindlers pleading for federal bailouts to profitably refinance the already defrauded
New nurses changing jobs for raises but never quite learning proper medical care
Lonely and trusting retirees cruelly duped by those of their own offspring’s generation
The forgotten working poor agonizing in the night over whether to pay rent or buy food
Volunteers spending their own time and money only to be sneered at as foolish suckers
Rappers and reverends pimping their narrow fantasies like they were running sick old whores
Frogs gamely in a last stand on the crisscrossed ATV tiretracks of doomed wetlands
Hungover so-called craftsmen erecting one more overpriced modular dream suburb
Another clueless Texan idling a pickup for personal comfort, way out there in Calorada
Our boys on their fool’s errand amidst a civil war in a country we destroyed
Graduates who can’t read or write any language and don’t really know what they ‘r sain’
Gushing acceptance of every increase to already-insane levels of dEfense spending
Despoiling the land to rapidly guzzle any last oil reserves...without creating any alternatives
Believing that noisy, expensive, gasoline toys results in some kind of recreational renewal
Growing up without healthcare, exercise or education but…getting lots of fatty foods & sugary drinks
Letting the slickest, greediest and most self-centered continue to set our course
Mouthing the ironclad platitude that this blight they greedily label progress cannot be stopped
Falsely pitting people and jobs against the environment that supports them both
Balancing taxes on vices to maximize revenues while still retaining the hopelessly addicted
      Coupling pious patriotism with divine right in a loudly ignorant, exceptionist duet
Not being able to stand an office job yet eviscerating the beloved outdoors in your work
Tossing half a billion plastic bags per year in a mocking tribute to our own lifestyle
Using false interpretations of musty fictional scripture to foment hatred and conflict
Writing off any candidate who cannot compete in raising funds for empty media sound bites
Fretting over foreign pollution after outsourcing ours to dirtier offshore production standards
Watching as plans and animals pitifully struggle northward as the heat just keeps on increasing

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