Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fractal Messenger

Filling the great galactic clusters with stars accounted for, but uncounted
Leaving copious evidence of this same message at the subatomic level
Unknowable and forever far outside any organic experiences

Saying more than we can ever grasp in the gurgling of each tiny creek
Incredibly obvious everywhere we look yet nowhere to be seen
Not alive as in our poor understanding nor dead as we can only witness

Talking to us without a voice in channels outside our senses
Caching the entire mystery complete in uncountable, infinitesimal clues
Bearing not the slightest resemblance to the deities of our childish fairytale afterlives

Hidden from us by our subconscious projections of ourselves upon it
Comporting in timescales and distances far beyond our imaginations
Wholly too ignorant to take part in scholarly debate with clever theologians

Filtering every bit of information through each raindrop in every rainbow
Revealing all its secrets in the moss that grows on the striations of a boulder
Utterly mute in terms of commandments, calls to belief and tests of faith

Dripping all wisdom from every icicle hanging in the late winter sunlight
Blasting forth all knowledge in each burst of radiation from every neutron star
Reciting not a single line of internal dialogs along with our personal saviors

Encrypting the entire message in each of an infinity of absolutely random packets
Perfectly reflected in my limitless ignorance and our greatest discoveries
Neither far away nor inside us, not with us, but never leaving us alone

Expressing everything we know in the change marked by our final breath
Showing its entirety in each brief twinkling of the firmament above
Invisible but for the endless forms of its shadows, echoes and reflections

Inscribing the full message in patterns on the birds, the reptiles and the fish
Completely occupying all the borders of each one of our zen-like contradictions
As indifferent to new life as to the struggles which lead inevitably to death

Playing the same countless variations with raindrops as falling leaves
Dancing briefly in morning sunlight, peeping out from under dark clouds
Simply as likely to grant an unearned forgiveness as to punish unfairly

Deeply underpinning our endless and hopeless but inescapable struggles
Forming foreground and background, past, present and future
Blind witness without memory, testifying only in insoluble riddles
Radiating uncountable variations of perfection on this infinitesimally small world
As dense in empty space as in those songs that fill our entire hearts
Outlining a paradox whose purpose we can never approach deciphering

Neither concerned with cause nor aware of outcomes
Transforming hellish nuclear fission into warm winter sunlight
Source of no dogma but reflected in the maths we see underlying the cosmos

Bombarding from every direction with signals which travel unnoticed through us
Discerning each tiny peep in the vast white noise which fades back into entropy
Reabsorbing each droplet of consciousness without a conscious thought

Creating the music with the silence between the notes
Emitting fractal miracles regardless of magnification, size or distance
Incapable of any jealousy and unable to demand a fraction of our tiny faith

Possessed of no knowledge but without any questions
Filling the time and space outside of our universe
Making not a single promise to either sinner or sufferer

Backdrop to the background radiation of the Big Bang
Forever ungraspable but simultaneously inescapable
Undisturbed by the faint noise with which we try to hide it

Offering no consolation, bereft of mercy and unable to forgive
Totally accepting, endlessly patient and tolerant without comprehension
Filling everywhere to capacity with a mindless, insensate wisdom

Always within us but never really with us
Dancing with the shadows of the flickering firelight on the cave wall
Caring as much for our lives as shiny drops of dew on one tiny blade of grass

Grinning behind quantum dice as the clockwork universe unfolds
Unaware of our contemplations as part of itself
Holding men as responsible for their actions as it does the flowing rivers

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