Friday, August 13, 2010

Long-Term Free Market Environmental Solutions

Old growth forests wont be such a divisive issue after they’re all cut down and milled
Species preservation will be a lot cheaper once all those many useless ones finally go extinct
Numbnut loud pickups and noisy Harleys will go silent when there’s no more gas to waste
Government meddling is being eliminated thanks to Washington’s political paralysis

They’ll stop this poisonous salmon farming as soon as there’s no little fish left to feed them
The American prairie will come back when it becomes too hot and too dry for our crops
Clean energy wont be an issue once it’s either burn coal again or simply freeze to death
Email spam will disappear when the bastards cant afford to run their servers

We will reduce our population to sustainable levels via global wars and epidemics
Everybody can live a developed country lifestyle when only a billion or so of us remain
We’ll curb transportation greenhouse emissions completely by wasting all of our cheap oil
Our fanatical Islamist enemies will be weakened after they finish their internecine jihads

Once we’ve stripmined the seas, there’s no worry that the fish are too full of mercury to eat
Global income disparity will disappear when everybody makes 20 cents an hour
It’ll all be organic when petroleum-based pesticides and fertilizers are unavailable
Sound bites will be simpler to create once the vast majority of adults are illiterate

OHVs and snowmobiles won’t be issues if they cost too much to pull around for wreckreation
There’ll be no housing shortage when they turn foreclosed McMansions into refugee housing
Agribusiness won’t be able to waste fossil water when there’s no power for their pumps
Lean and healthy grass-fed beef will be the norm because people will again eat all the grain

Won’t have to regulate mileage or emissions when gas always costs at least $5 a gallon
Forget greedy developers when the forests are torched and the snow doesn’t fall
Once we’ve sucked the Middle East sands dry we can just ignore them once again
Our collapsing house of credit cards will halt the Chinese environmental disaster

The Russians, or probably Asian occupiers, will prosper when Siberia thaws out for development
Fertile virgin farmlands will open up in Canada once this warming really kicks in
Australia is set to prosper from unlimited solar potential as it dries out and heats up even more
The disruption of the monsoon will relieve the filthy overcrowding of Indian cities

As South Africa becomes a desert, its problem with malaria will be greatly reduced
Millions of fire-blackened acres will curb recreational pressure on our wildlands
The collapse of commercial fish stocks may allow the battered bycatch to recover
Government bankruptcy and a lack of military fuel will curb the world’s only superpower

Alienation and anomie will evaporate in the vastly simplified struggle for everyday survival
Multinational corporate collapse will put their faceless leaders where commoners can reach them
Obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure will disappear right along with cheap factory food
Blunt reality may finally force us to once again reinvent our tired and failed religions

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