Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Carefree Times On The Road To Our Extinction

We increased our numbers far beyond the carrying capacity of our native planet
We fouled the water and poisoned the air that, after all, only sustained our very lives
Our once rich soil has been blown away or contaminated due to our inept corporate farming methods
We poached the charismatic mega-fauna to extinction even as we destroyed their habitat

We have gouged the earth to burn the coal that sullies the lovely atmosphere…and our kid’s brains
We swarm upon each other in endless fool wars with our dear mother earth as but collateral damage
We cut the shading trees for firewood or for quick profits building things not meant to last
We dump our toxic wastes into the rivers that we have channelized and dammed. Yet still drink from

Our great cities appear as nasty pockmarks from the tiny vantage points we built out in space
We decimated the great whales and spiked the seals milk with exotic chemicals
Our miracle plastic litter drifts throughout the vast ocean basins and no one is responsible
We’ll melt the polar icecaps and turn the mountain glaciers into dry and naked rock

We have carelessly torched our vast reserves of petroleum and natural gas and released their CO2
Most of us live in ignorance and poverty in spite of our noble free economies
The poorest among us bring forth the greatest number of new offspring into our overpopulated world
We perpetually delude ourselves with petty gods, sex, work, drugs, kids, food and patriotism

The once-beneficent rain is now filled with poisonous acid thanks to our virtuous industrial efforts
Deserts encroach more each year given our ravenous goats, constant firewood need & CO2 emissions
We look forward to our lord’s infinite paradise after lives spent blindly pursuing individual happiness
The unsustainability of our societies shall not be altered should it perturbs our daily lives...at all

We make loud noise in everything we do, never even aware of how very still we really should remain
We slaughter each other over petty disagreements between our stale yet vapid religious fantasies
Our emissions silently destroy that portion of the atmosphere protecting us from deadly cosmic rays
We haphazardly introduce exotic species that wreak havoc upon finely-balanced native ecosystems

In our prideful ignorance our fictional god anoints only us, of all species, with a so-called eternal soul
We prefer catchphrases and demagogues to personal responsibility and inherited wisdom
We waste trillions on a military whose sole purpose is to kill people and destroy infrastructure
Our road to extinction is built upon ignorance, greed, hubris, intolerance and shortsightedness

We breed our meat animals to be weak and stupid and we exterminate all their wild predators
We unwittingly select for the strongest microbes with our anti-bacterial cleansers
We find fake news sound bites more effective vote-getters than reason and understanding
We fill endless toxically-leaching dumps with tons and tons of re-usable and like-new castoffs

Our batteries, paints and lawn sprays wind up right back in our own drinking water
We scatter lead and mercury which dulls the potentials of our own precious children
Our economic system is purposely blind to the fact that it totally depends on the global ecosystem
Though we tramp blindly down the road to extinction, we thank god above it’s not the road to hell

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