Why, we’ve even talked of downsizing on out of our beloved giant
Working on a plan to
reduce my negative savings rate sometime...over the long run
Don’t necessarily
need corpro-restaurant food every third meal or so
May have to cut back
on sucking up on lamely-scripted corporate happy visions
Might not even
strongly support every single goddamn defense spending bill
Perhaps we
might need to start thinking about possibly looking
into that global warming
Taking up meditation 3
times a week as soon as the next class starts
Gonna get the kids
organic white bread and low-salt, trans-fat-free chips
Turning the heat all
the way on down to around 70, like next winter
Probably going to hold
off on buying that other OHV for a while
Seeing my newest nine
passenger vehicle in a slightly different light
Not nearly so sure
about where our elected leaders are actually steering us
Thinking that maybe
these multiple meds aren’t really supposed to make me better
After this next trip,
we may not go out to Vegas again for a while
Might not take such an
interest in the lives of them Hollywood couples anymore
At this time I’m
also reviewing my oversize emotional investment in professional
It’s even possible I
could revisit some of the minor decisions made with my personal
Pretty much ready to
recycle as soon as the Left makes it worth my while
Cutting back a bit on
the fertilizers, pesticides and water I endlessly apply to my beloved
Gonna choke down some
more of that leafy green rabbit food every once in a while, too
Got a for real fitness
program in mind when I finally free up some time
Our stockholders may
have expressed some interest beyond our results for the next quarter
Maybe I’ll ask the
next candidates if they could write some of their own speeches
Seriously, this really
will be the last time we vacation on borrowed equity from our
I’m not putting
another plastic yellow ribbon decal on my beautiful new pickup truck
Pretty close to
cutting back to only 3 lattes per week
Got to thinkin’
maybe them Frenchies ain’t really so mixed up after all
I noticed we never
watch hardly any of them 300 deluxe package channels
Probably not going to
drive the ATV off of the established trails so much anymore
Maybe them polar bears
going extinct will mean somethin to me, in the end
Possibly their
petro-dollar pie chart does have a fat slice labeled Terrorist
Next time I might just
try to understand the list of 45 ingredients and calories on the
I’m signing up on my
401K or whatever as soon as my credit cards are ever paid off
Everywhere we went on
our last vacation I noticed the same identical shit built
Thinking about selling
the Harley but it’s sat for so damn long it won’t start
Driving an obese
pickup 70 miles a day to my stupid job is making less sense over time
I’m trying to do the math of being broke and laid off for good at
55 but living until 80
Finally noticed my
kids might not quite be reaching up to their Exceptionist potentials
It seems a little
hotter every year and the birds and plants are acting real funny
Maybe cleaning up the
lake does make more sense than just putting up signs about the toxins
Perhaps tax and spend
is more conservative than borrow and send overseas
Is killing evergreens
and charging off artificial marketers guilt really a christian
Dang, them little
hybrids are easier to load groceries into than this giant pickup
I begin to wonder
where these leftover batteries, paints and pesticides all wind up
What if raising pigs
and cows like they weren’t actually even alive really ain’t
Jesus’ way?
Does it makes sense to
spend all my money on incurable ailments just to die within a year?
If it’s all in god’s
hands and by his will, why then, is greed so goddamn all-important?
You know, I got to
thinking, with the AC on, idling in my SUV, it gets zero MPG but lots
of CO2
How is it that illegal
workers go to jail but their bosses get to keep the higher profits?
Just where is the
money behind this vast global warming hoax, anyway?
Now, where do the jobs
and tourists go once the big trees are all cut and shipped overseas
The wife is going to
cut back on her nails, hair and tanning stuff real soon
Are their
multi-generational neglected children worse sins than the sex we
denied them condoms for?
I might even stop
driving 80-85 every time I think I can get away with it
Had a drive-by
epiphany near the projects on the freeway, going to work, I think
Gonna go green or
whatever, now that it’s a toney, temporary, liberal fashion trend
We booked our
spiritual quest thru holy India tour on a safe Internet site
Making up for my life
of mindless hyper-consumption with these funny light bulbs
Maybe we should have
impeached him, just to show the rest of the world we still have some
With my windpower
check-off, we are in the vanguard of CO2 reduction
Bet I will get my
weight, sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure down again, someday
Cutting back on that
trendy new seafood that’s replacing the last one they over-fished
into oblivion
I’ll be leasing a
300hp, 0-60 in 5 seconds hybrid to reduce my eco-footprint going
Waiting for that new
career they promised to create by outsourcing my job to foreign
So is it that since
God is love, we the faithful are driven to keep on so lovingly
killing in His name?
Wow, maybe it should
be land, labor, capital and sustainable entrepreneurship
Perhaps free markets
doom elephants and tuna by paying ever more for those fewer that
Saw the corporate ads
on ethanol and now I am climbing onboard with that, as well
Even if global warming
is a hoax, I’m tired of my 8 ton SUV, anyway
I’ll be waiting in
the drive-thru line in my electric car for no-fat, organic fries
I’m for logging jobs
here at home but we demand that Brazil save their rain forest
What if most of our
problems really did have something to do with our
Pulling back from this
wildly pitching blur real soon now to begin contemplating the
eternal void
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