Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Don’t Have To Sleepwalk The Exceptionist Dream

There really is different way but it just took so long for me to see that I could take it
I actually can get through a day without massive doses of factory-extruded sugar, fat and salt
Loud noises need not be a major part of every single goddamn thing I ever do
All those daily tasks I must perform plainly should not require gigajoules of energy

Need not take advantage of far off poverty for some new plastic baubles
Can listen to the flow of natural sound instead of modern carbon-based cacophony
Don’t have a need to go to extremes in coming-of-age displacement recreation
It’s really not necessary that I pack on a few more extra pounds, year after stressed-out year

I can walk as they drive by, pedal in their exhaust stream and meditate in their stalled traffic
Take my cotton bags to be used again and again, much to their sardonic laughter and scorn
Humbly find my clothes among their once-expensive castoffs at the crowded thrift stores
Refurbish, re-use and re-purpose without over-paying those ignorant, so-called, craftsmen

No law states I must spend a fortune to try and cosmetically hide my perpetual aging
There is no reason that I should not save a goodly portion of everything that I earn
Now I really believe that these long daily commutes are simply fool’s errands
Needn’t keep on acting out like I’m as rich and attractive as their media models

I just won’t consume this so-called meat they build with all the care of factory production
I found that there’s a different tour available of this vast and mysterious cosmos
We can cook and bake for ourselves with natural and maybe even organic ingredients
Won’t confuse comfort and efficiency with a lack of their boorishly faux luxury

There is another horse I can ride when I need to head off into the sunset
Staying off to the side, still swept along by their currents, but not completely hypnotized
No fad diets or best-seller of the month can raise my consciousness anymore
Let us instead whisper of those quiet, gentle voices which soothe our mortal wounds

No sense to leave behind a pile of shiny, unused and worthless, yet still unpaid-for toys
No point in over-compensating for my mass-produced and artificial shortcomings
Just seeking things that we’re all really looking for, in doses that I can handle
Simply staying in the shade when it’s hot, seeking out the sun when I’m cold

Worshiping over-inflated media sports heroes will not provide me with a guiding light
This specter of blinding patriotism they so frenetically raise will not sustain me
Their deadly bickering over worn out and irrelevant religions cannot soothe my soul
Happily I begin to see there is nothing in eternity from which we can be saved

There is another way and if you’re quiet they’ll ignore you as they speed on by
You can reduce your earthly footprint and they won’t even notice it at all
Striving peacefully for a sustainable lifestyle will not raise their ire
I can smile inside and be elsewhere, not amidst this foolish noise and choking dust

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