Saturday, September 4, 2010

OMG, He’s Openly Soft On Defense

Wont vote for another massive spending increase on top of this mind-boggling sum
Damn my yellow spine, I’d sooner spend it on education, environment and health care
Patriotic defense contractors will need to make do with quite a bit less, just like everybody else
If they cant do it more cheaply maybe they need to outsource, just like all the other industries

Cant see wasting half this much on their misty-eyed swindle regarding our sovereign shores
Call me unpatriotic and unwilling to sacrifice for my country, as well as unelectable
I say, Stop these insane increases now AND reduce military outlays by half within the next 5 years
For all it’s pompous flag-waving, that mega-industry is virtually a total sham

Spending more than all other countries together hasn’t made us 10 times safer
It sure has driven us towards bankruptcy and left us with so much else, simply undone
I’ve got a tattoo on my arm that says ‘Soft On Defense’ and I show it off with pride
Yet, our honored politicians fall all over each other for every chance to waste more on new weapons

Can’t be elected if you wont spend a few more billion on some deadly but hypothetical threat
Won’t get a senate seat without supporting funding - supposedly for our brave boys
It’s all a freaking horror marketing hoax by the military-industrial-government partnership
Patriotism ain’t about wasting infinite sums without so much as a single question...or audit

Soft on the sort of defense we’ve wasted so much on, oh yes, indeed, I really am!
But our good sheep representatives in Washington would never dare voice the slightest qualm
Liberals and conservatives of both sexes push and shove to prove their machismo
Something’s wrong with this picture but nobody dares to say a goddamn thing

The slightest question about a politician’s defense posture brings forth a militaristic tirade
It’s a warped and mutated monster that they quietly and relentlessly feed
They don’t call it advertising but they do spread a vast and universal paranoiac propaganda
Well, a pox on those greedy so-called patriots and their images of kids, honor and country

I’m soft on defense but hard up against an entrenched quasi-religious organization
If a market-driven healthcare system is the best, then why not privatize the goddamn army too?
Curse my cowardly, traitorous soul but damn this insane, ever-increasing spending as well
I say cut funding in half and bring on the bogeymen from their lobbyist’s dreams

We’ve all grown soft-headed on defense, never questioning their greedy demands
It’s more of their expensive, go-it-alone, we know what’s best, fool, exceptionist claptrap
Let’s just declare our economic independence and be ready to fight them here
Maybe Jesus, whose god is love, would have had the guts to vote against more defense spending?

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