Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Abandon Unsustainable Programmed Hyper-Consumption

Junk all your oversized, poorly-built, gas guzzlers you silly hypnotized children
Realize that others are not sleeping as you relax in a comatose and ignorant arrogance

Convert your laughable McMansions into comfortable multi-family residences
Quit replacing productive farms and fields with sterile rows of throwaway dream homes

Build it to last and not to just make a quick buck and strut away with a cynical smirk
Ask how others are building spaceships, capping CO2 and recycling - without whining

Wander out of this cultural desert and think, just once, what you leave for the future
Go visit the castles and churches they have preserved from a thousand years ago

Quit tossing away all this hyper-packaging and compost the 25% of food you waste
Find out how they tunneled subways beneath their ancient cities but we simply won’t afford it

Scream bloody murder about the sinful waste of ever-increasing military spending
Don’t let them shovel so-called clean coal down your lungs as a green alternative energy source

Only flush your toilet with just enough water to get the job cleanly done
Bury the fast food corporate giants underneath a vast and empty indifference

Learn what real bread is and shut down the meat animal death camps
Simply slash the fat, cut the sugar, remove the salt and reduce the calories

Quit eating just because you are artificially nervous and overwrought
Forget silly gas-powered wreckreation and engage your body in real outdoor activity

Silence all the artificially noisy airplanes, trucks, motorcycles and automobiles
Just don’t let them charge any more useless shit that they cannot even afford

Get their god out of your pocketbook by taxing these sham corporate salvation franchises
Put the environment and our future ahead of this quarter’s stock price

Learn to speak and read at least your native language - and then we can talk
Out the corporate subsidy hoax of corn-based bio-fuel before it costs even more

Quit justifying eco-rape and unsustainability by falsely pitting them against people and jobs
Challenge the ridiculous notion that healthcare is, or even should be, left to the free market

Don’t let big coal and oil stifle the alternative energy boom that’s sweeping the world
Dump the black or white, just say no, do-nothing two-party system and embrace working coalitions

Cook good food at home and make them clean their plates and do the damn dishes
Wake up and think for yourself before they come to carry you off the couch on your back

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