Sunday, August 29, 2010


Blown off the peak, spun around and floating down the leeward side
Formed into lacy drifts with so many others like me that I will never know

Assuming crystalline forms in that weightless moment
Smoothed into curved shapes by the gusty winds that followed

Sublimely whirling in the vortex behind that giant ocean swell
Falling back fully aerated with life’s sustaining oxygen

A surface mist that waxes prismatically from the slanting rays of the sun
I am falling snow or roiling sea at different times

Spindrift whirling in the vacuum of the power of the wind
And those dancing with me all rotate at slightly different angles

The heartbeat of the storm is mirrored by our dizzying procession
We are cast into phantasmal castles and drift across every pathway

At times we appear to panic like a school of frightened fireflies
With a pause in the wind we fall in separate patterns, independently

This quiet beauty a chaotic byproduct of the sublime organization of the storm
And my appreciation but a simple outcome of my accidental self-perception

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