Friday, August 20, 2010

People Are The Firm's Most Treasured Assets

In their expensive ads, backed by soothing music, they speak of the great value of their people
All the time, knowing full well the way out of a stock crisis is simply to slash jobs and cut benefits
According to their slick marketing, the mystic force of humanity powers their organization...
And after 15 minutes a tired voice from Bangalore finally comes on the line

Yes, all of their wondrous technology is inspired simply by their people’s desire to further our society
Those financial services like sub-prime mortgages which have so enriched our lives
The personally-oriented mass-market eSolutions tailored to your individual needs
Still, corporate entities will accept modest profits in lieu of becoming charitable organizations

Why, those fearless leaders would likely give up private jets and 10 acre compounds for their folks
Because listen, even in their over-allocated schedules, their doors remain open to their people
They’ll take a moment and reflect you to a smiling minion who can safely blow you off
And they’ll quickly drop your face on that big pile that they will never need to remember

They’ll glowingly describe your loyalty and commitment but have no idea what you do
Often when the next downsizing comes they’ll be wearing little flags on their lapels
They’ll appeal to all that’s good in you by reading a stirringly-scripted, 10 minute video
Reaping unreal bonuses and whopping stock options by trimming you from the bottom line

Clips of children and flowing music accompany poetic tributes to incalculable human resources
Meanwhile, proprietary spreadsheets show profits flowing from proposed employment cuts
Pricey consultants point the way to offshore sources who become more simply disposable numbers
Expensive lobbies trace the firm’s patriotic history, but its products are all stamped Made In China

They intone about each and every one of our personal contributions to the team
But then, regrettably, our positions have been eliminated and our services are no longer required
We stumble out with a tiny severance, old family pictures and coffee cups in boxes
Truth is, the future of our families really has no place whatsoever on their financial statements

Avuncular global oligarchies speak in pre-rehearsed and well-delivered messages
Mouthing how they treasure our contributions and factor our needs into all of their decisions
They peek down from their office suites toasting bonuses as we numbly drive away for good
Now the company is stronger going forward and the remainder of us must all pull together

Then come the remaining middle managers happy to still be mouthing the latest empty platitudes
Off to meetings to be spoon fed the newest pre-digested vision to be absorbed by all
Congenially, those remaining climb on board as good team players towards another golden era
And, for the record, those who have departed shall never be mentioned again

But finally comes the quarter when the cooked books just wont meet the numbers
Arriving on the heels of the last round of layoffs, there’s no more fat to trim
And no competitors remain with which to merge and attain greater strategic synergies
So, with great regret their vivid golden parachutes open up under dark clouds of criminal suspicion

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