Saturday, August 7, 2010

Peace Is Just Our Time To Rebuild For More War

Peace and love are nice and all but no real society could survive like that
Enemies on every side wait to take advantage of any sign of weakness on our part
The golden rule is just a suggestion you know...kind of like the posted speed limit
Always be ready to do unto others again, worse than they might do to you

After all, god so loved the world he sacrificed his only begotten son
Thus, we so love our country that we sacrifice not only our children but their futures
Where, in the end, is the profit in making peace, when, after all, war has proven to be good business
But we can surely talk beatifically of peace while investing in our military options

Peace is just what feels so good when the killing pauses...momentarily
Peace is only a fleeting and fuzzy happy-ever-after mirage and certainly no way of life
Compare and contrast the Manhattan Project with the League of Nations
Peace is for the out-of-touch and the dreamers; now war, war is for we - the mover and shakers

Peace won’t do it because there’s nothing there that we can sink our teeth into
It’s just those brief intervals when we are too weary from rebuilding to fight - For a while
Peace is not democratic because all nations would have to adopt it
War is totally compatible with our economic and theological social Darwinism

Any so-called peace dividend is automatically re-invested into more new instruments of death
How could our noble leaders motivate us without threats of monstrous, child-eating bogeymen?
Peace is for eunuchs and grandmothers but war is for all the real men who thrive on red meat
We must perpetually be destroying the world in order to overcome the next evil human threat

Some vague love of peace did not fuel our rise to dominance over the savage beasts
Such navel contemplation did not even prepare the fields or control the river’s floods
Which young men will seek glory in eradicating poverty, ignorance and suffering?
Would any of our political royalty then declare and fund massive wars on war itself?

Would brave paratroopers happily drop down amidst the fighting armed with cash donations?
Maybe the air force could rain consumer goods upon the combatants from far above
Right, and international disputes could be settled by which side hosts the largest potlatch
Peace won’t do it since peaceful co-operation is so very much harder than violent disagreement

But we need to keep the image of peace always in our heads in some nebulous floaty abstract
That way, rumor of its imminent arrival will always excuse our current foolish slaughters
But peace won’t keep the enemy from wasting our lands and killing our children
Peaceful societies would be warmly welcomed by those seeking further evil empire

Anyways, quietly spreading domestic tranquility doesn’t make for pump and thump breaking news
Peace will not protect our sacred borders and just makes them more likely to attack us
Peace can be laughed at, spat upon and easily kicked in the face, down into the mud
For, the hypocrisy of peace is that if we really want it we must always be ready to got to war for it

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