Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It’s Only A Con Game, Corporate Sports Suckers

Your punk check ain’t gonna change one cent no matter which way the game goes
The big boys are playin you like suckers just to take your meager chump change
You’re a fool to get all worked up over muscular black men dressed up in tights
This is the pabulum they feed you to keep your mind empty and your mouth shut

But you’d watch that shit in the ICU first thing after your abused heart gave out
Your heroes waste their money and get arrested for rape and dope and assault
You know more about their phony sports statistics than your own credit card debt
That childish hero worship ain’t ever gonna get you a share of their title money

Yelling and eating and drinking by the big screen don’t enrich your future one damn bit
Win or lose you will still have to make the payments on that upside down car loan
You ain’t on the team and none of them would even give a rip about yer dumb ass
Wake up and smell the Astroturf and then go scrape that decal off your car

It’s not loyal and patriotic or an honored part of some bogus traditional family heritage
But the advertisers and sponsors play it up like it must be a big part of real life
Get the stupid theme music out of your one-track, beer-soaked brain
Stop watching and talking and dreaming and thinking about it so much all the time

You waste so many hours every week on the Big Game, you might just as well have been asleep
Then you have this foolish gnawing emptiness when its over again for another year
Maybe you can have their copyrighted logo incised on your financed headstone
Perhaps your idea of heaven is a box seat as your team wins the big one every day

And you let the clever advertisers keep on beating their sad empty shit into your empty skull
While you just sit there getting fatter and your heart and eyes and brain wear out
You will never even ask why sports is reported as much as news on every stupid channel
But its really not just a game, is it? Pathetically it is a very important part of your tiny life

You get your thrills through them, and you jump up and wave your fist and shout
You’re a loyal fan who knows all their names, even though they never win a game
With all the time, thought and emotion you have invested, you should be very rich
It's only a game...It’s not only a game, it’s your holy quest, you toadlike little weenie roaster

They’re making millions and your real income is going down even as you sit there
You just charged 5 Gs at 20% interest so you could see the game on a big screen TV
You just can’t separate the artificially flavored hype from the unvarnished, tawdry reality
The noise, color and violence touches a very basic juvenile need deep inside of you

And they play upon it to prey upon you and help you retain a retarded immaturity
Put down the sports news, get off that website and stop dissecting their performance
or just maybe you can take that sexy fantasy with you as you leave your debts behind and die

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