Sunday, August 22, 2010

Not Even Lost

Not just visiting, or even simply passing through while heading somewhere else
Without a feeling for a destination, no real inclination towards an actual direction
Shimmering stars light the sky but there are no signs where there is no road
Coming out of nowhere not expecting to get somewhere, or even ever to return

Not even lost, without a start or finish, but unsure where I’ve been, or my heading
Could not tell if I, indeed, traced a circle, no way to remember if we were here before
No one waits with a light on for me and everyone is traveling in different directions
Bumping into you after you bumped into her, that guy seems headed where I came from

Though our sun comes up every day now, that’s just for a very short part of forever
It might be confusing and I would be dizzy except - It’s just always been this way
Often I think I am briefly tangent to some illusion just as I accelerate back within it
We all move together but separate towards all directions, faster than we can see

Not even lost, falling like raindrops at tiny points in vast cycles we cannot be aware of
Pretty sure that I can see where I am going and it’s mattering less and less where I came from
Simply because I feel lost, I mistakenly think I went from somewhere to something
But being lost was not as frightening as realizing I can never know where I am going

Racing towards goals which materialize suddenly but vanish quickly into darkness
Tracing the stumbling, mad arcs of a dizzy whirling dervish in this unending blur
Holding at an unmanageable velocity towards unspecifiable objectives
Not even wrong, for our answers were not for the very real but always unasked questions

Not even lost, for that implies a way to a somewhere we can never know exists
Nonetheless pressing onward within this collective imaginary frame of reference
Staring out into the darkness through windows that only reflect the bright lights inside
Screaming passionately into that deep space vacuum that does not carry sound at all

Each and every one of us at the exact center of a cosmos that retreats in all directions
The scale of my experience too small to be plotted on a map of space and time
Unable to ever even get lost, except in our own surrealistic fantasies
A vast silent, deep nightfall races towards me from every direction that I turn

My senses are gone, my memories evaporated and no new thoughts can stir me
Then I awake to the morning sun and note briefly that this might have all been a dream
But then, the simple fact that I cannot even be lost thrusts itself close upon me, once again

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