Thursday, September 2, 2010

Simply Meeting Consumer Demand

Only because I demanded them, did they build obese, inefficient & overpriced road hogs
For my convenience, a thousand grimly cheerful, identical quick-stops dotted the land
To meet my needs, old malls were abandoned and new ones built on once-rich farmland
I craved fats, red meat & salt so they created triple bypass bacon cheeseburgers for me

I so loved my bluegrass that they spewed forth packaged pesticides and over-fertilization kits
They imported us cheap designer knockoffs so we could discard them without a thought
I feared fictional faraway enemies so much that they spent ever more, every year, on arms
We prospered to such a degree they created the gambling industry to occupy our free time

To meet my demand for thoughtless convenience they put everything in throwaway plastic
My wants guided them to fatten cattle in filthy feedlots on human-grade corn they could not digest
My attention to price forced them to slaughter and process animals using criminal factory methods
I would not pay a cent or lift a finger to recycle so they created and filled the Great Toxic Landfills

We could not do without legends so they pushed profitable but non-role model corpro-sports heroes
Our personal savior demanded that we evangelically spread democracy – with our divine Military
I needed my space so they built me a giant faux ranchette on 3 acres with a 500’ driveway
I wanted sex and she needed drugs and love, so he found a rewarding career as a slimy pimp

My childish need to make noise created your comical high performance pickup truck industry
We loved the first sequel so much you filmed parts II-IV simply for our movie-viewing pleasure
We grew up craving the pus-like white bread that you handled like automotive parts
Consumer demand alone powered a wondrous expansion of their poisonous fast food empires

Simple supply and demand alone drove up health care prices so very steeply year after year
The people called for more sports and entertainment and shouted down the real news
I demonstrated that my preference for cheap bad beer well-mated with slick & vapid advertising
It was we calling for the shuttering of our factories and demanding floods of shoddy overseas imports

Because of our consumer wants, brave entrepreneurs clear cut the last remaining old growth trees
To satisfy our oil demand, altruistic drilling firms opened up the remainder of our arctic wilderness
To bring us our trendy seafood they strip-mined the entire vast seas of every form of life
Anticipating our love of the new, they built things to last only a single product cycle

To make it easy for me to keep coming back they put everything in 238 billion plastic bags per year
The market’s clarion call for coal power meant that they need not restore their mining sites
Record demand for electricity forced them to desperately fight every single emissions reduction law
Our concern over product safety led to their illegitimate bankruptcy to avoid paying any reparations

My demand brought on drug cartels who killed 50000 Mexican citizens and even more of us
For we so loved our cellphones that our carriers charged us more than anywhere else in the world
They built jetskis, OHVs and snowmachines because that is what I really wanted in my wreckreation
The drive-thru mega-church appeared because I needed quality time alone with my personal savior

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