Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pointless Libtard Dreaming, Once Again

Just let me find a little cool shade in that searing heat of the day
If we could only sit out for a moment in the morning, when the sun feels so good
Give us a brief chance to listen carefully to the vast background silence
Allow me just a minute to sort through all these layers of confusion

Let me awake slowly with you to the tinkling music of that little stream
I really want to hear the evergreens sighing in the wind, once again
Maybe the opportunity to come in for a moment, out of the long cold rain
We are searching for the places that we want to be able to look back upon with smiles

Grant me brief instants of a cosmic awareness, even though I do not understand them
Don’t let me give up all of my consciousness to their colorfully manufactured illusions
Show me how to make a lasting peace simply, and within my own habitat
Let us at least try to leave things at least as intact as they were handed to us

I need to see the value of sweet water, clean air and un-profaned food
Help me to spread peace without using the same tired old sales techniques
I need to de-emphasize greed, but not with some slick marketing campaign
Let us dilute all our problems by vastly reducing our own numbers

Teach me how to contemplate and plan instead of simply reacting with the Quick and Dirty
Help me arise early and pull my thoughts together in my own good time
Make sure that we can actually believe there is a real meaning to our daily work
Let me be ready to fight as well as to know when it’s time to contemplate

Allow us to rejuvenate quietly in the special places we have preserved
Grant us a strong faith but help us to cast off the moldy beliefs of the past
Force the incredible shortness of our existence deep into my conscience
When my turn comes, let me begin teaching that I might really start to learn

Just let me be there once when a much-needed rain begins falling at last
Help us be rid of these implanted desires for items we do not need
Maybe to throw off this false doctrine of man in a continuous struggle against nature
Allow me to slowly find clarity during the gathering of the few dawns I will see

Bring us back from the edge of this abyss trembling, but with a new vision
Give elders good experiences that their children may seek them out with respect
Shatter the myth that mass blind individual greed ensures humanity’s happily ever after
Let us enjoy simply remaining quiet even when we might make extra noise

Teach us to stay out of debt and thus run the grasping usurers out of business
Demonstrate the falseness of the scourge that is the marketing myth of disposability
Grant us an appreciation for the people and technologies that make society possible
Awaken us with fond memories of dreams that shed real light upon our waking lives

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